We created this company to be the first luxury brand on culture. We wanted to supply everything for a contemporary library; we started working with top perfumers for scented candles, with Goyard for a book trunk, with Chanel on a quilted leather slipcase, and so on. Now we are expanding the Assouline lifestyle brand in stores in the most important cities of the world. We love and believe in books more than everything else, but we also want to extend our vision to create all that can be expected in a chic and personalized library, from beautiful books and special editions to luxury gift items, unique library accessories, and now a complete turnkey collection of stylish furniture. Our digital world goes faster than ever and nothing remains of it, but books are the solid part of our past and present. They also are beauty. For us, books are a matter of intellect and emotion, of heritage and innovation. Because information is not only about today, and the past is a sensational
source of inspiration.
-Prosper & Martine Assouline
Beyond “beautiful books” Assouline is invested in the promotion of culture. It has created the “first brand of luxury culture” by opening boutiques where one can discover a world of good taste, excitement and intellect, a place where “culture can be acquired” within a luxurious environment. One can purchase complete book collections as well as objects that belong in contemporary libraries such as perfumed candles and “cabinets of curiosities.”